Weight Loss Solution


"Finally, An Easy Way To Lose Between 5 - 10Kg Naturally In 

9-Days - That REALLY WORKS!" 

Guaranteed to make you feel better and healthier

This is the exact information I've personally GIVEN MANY people and it has helped them to RESET their body size, weight and figure, and to get fit and gain complete control of their eating, weight and health, even those that have tried and failed before.

Now, It's your turn to have it!

Dear Friend,  
Did you know that being overweight increases your risk of:

  • Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)
  • Diabetes
  • Stroke
  • Heart Attack
  • Heart Failure
  • Sudden Death
  • Cancer of the Colon
  • High-Per-Tension
  • High-Blood Pressure
  • Kidney Failure
  • Liver Failure
  • ...And Serious Medical Conditions

A lot of folks feel that being "robust" in size is a sign of good living, but actually, It is an evidence of dangerous living and if not controlled, could lead to health hazards.

The question is what do you really weigh on the scales and how can it determine whether you are at risk of having any or all of the above health conditions.?
To help you determine your risk levels, I have provided a simple way for you to know the health risk you are exposed to. It is called the:
The body mass index (BMI) is a guide measurement of body weight based on a person’s weight and height. It is used to estimate a healthy body weight based on a person’s height, assuming an average body composition
What Category do you fall in?

BMI (kg/m²)
Below 18.5
18.5 to 24.9
Healthy weight
25.0 to 29.9
30 to 39.9
40 and above
Morbidly obese

      If your Body Mass Index (BMI) is above 25.0(kg/m²), then YOU ARE AT RISK OF HAVING ANY OF THE ABOVE LISTED HEALTH CONDITION!
Now, let us look at it from probable symptoms or signs you might be having or might have had recently.


Do you experience any of the following symptoms?
  • Feeling Tired or Fatigued regularly
  • Chest Pain or Discomfort
  • Pressure or Squeezing in your chest
  • Heart Palpitation
  • Pain in your shoulders, neck, jaw, arm, leg or back
  • Abdominal pressure pain
  • Knee or joint discomfort
  • Increased Thirst
  • Frequent Urination
  • Increased Hunger
  • Sores that don't heal
  • Pins, tinglings or needles" sensation in the feet and/or hands
  • Blurry vision
  • Dizzy Spells
  • Feeling Irritable
  • Ulcers


Do you have the following body shape signs?

  • Protruding tummy or Excess fat in the stomach area (a greater risk factor for heart disease and diabetes)
  • Large waist line
  • Fat folds and layers along the abdominal side
If you answered "YES!" to any or all of the above listed symptoms and signs, chances are that you are either "Overweight" or "Obsessed"

If you have ever suffered any of this symptoms or have any of the above mentioned body shape signs and are clueless as per what is wrong with you and the cure, then this information you are reading right now is probably the best information of your life-time because it has to deal with your health and life.  
This information is not meant to scare you, 
but to give you HOPE for a SOLUTION!
If you want to get rid of your unhealthy and ugly body fat in a NATURAL AND SAFE WAY without any health challenge or side effects within the shortest possible time, then this is the most important information you'll ever read.

Why did I say that?

Consider this:
If you don't get your health back in line, by shedding those excess fat that increases your risk of having deadly diseases and health problems, you may one day be found dead. Yes, its sounds harsh .. but that is the reality of things.

Longevity is an investment. To live long and healthy requires an investment of your time, resources and energy. If you fail to do something about your health, it boils down to one thing: PREMATURE DEATH!

I am assuming you have a family - a spouse, a child or children, a brother or sister, a father or mother, A LOVED ONE who needs you and loves you. If you don't take care of yourself, you risk loosing them and they, loosing you.

Not doing anything about your health for a long time could eventually incapacitate you and make you unable to take care of your loved ones and enjoy the healthy pleasures life has got to offer.

Being overweight is a sign that something is wrong and you need to RESET IT!

Probably you might have tried a lot of things in an attempt to get rid of your Ugly and Unhealthy Body Fat and the Results were ALWAYS THE SAME ... NO SUCCESS! Nothing to show for it. And you probably have being wondering why they never worked for you and maybe even blame yourself for not making it work .... but not to worry anymore as everything is about to change.

The solution I am about to offer you is guaranteed to do the following:
  • You will gain back control of your body, weight and health
  • You will never have to complain about fat arms, thighs, waist line and buttocks again
  • You will look and feel healthy, stronger, slimmer and better
  • You will now look and feel very attractive just as you've ever wanted, causing everyone who walks by you to turn heads looking at your new found form
  • You will be able to get rid of that pot-belly of yours
  • You will regain your confidence, self-worth and self-esteem - no more fear of being looked down upon or discriminated because of how you look. Coupled with that, if you are married or engaged or seeing someone, you will no longer be plagued with the fear of loosing your loved one to a much younger and slimier person.
  • You will be healthy and be able to increase your chances of completely reversing or preventing any impending or existing health condition
  • In your daily vocation - at your work place and in social gatherings, you will be able to gain control and become more effective and energetic unlike the previous overweight you of the past
If you would like to Naturally get rid of those stubborn, ugly and unhealthy body fat or loose weight within a short-time WITHOUT SIDE EFFECTS, ...Then....

In the next few minutes, I am going to show you amazing facts about how you can naturally get rid of unhealthy body fat, loose weight, feel healthy and better in just 9-days

Below are success stories from happy clients - smart Nigerians like you who have benefited immensely from CLEAN 9 FAT LOSS PROGRAM

See Below Testimonies received through Our BBM Support Group:


#Testimony 1. 
Longevity is an investment. Thank you Clean 9

Hello Ezekiel, I was in a meeting where you were talking about Forever Living Products Clean 9 and asked people who have being helped by the product to send testimonies to help others know that Clean 9 works. That is the reason, why I am sending in my testimony via the email address you provided. I was not born fat... I just don't know how I allowed myself to grow so large to the extent that my wedding ring could no longer fit my finger any more. I was always tired, coupled with heart palpitations and some dizzy spells. I weighed about 110kg back then. My wife was constantly worried, our love life was no longer exciting .. it was always gruesome for her because of my weight. I tried exercising, but couldn't sustain it ... I didn't have the stamina and endurance required to stay with the program. I continued living this way with my dizzy spells and palpitating heart until one day, I met my old time friend whom I knew was extremely fat at a party. But to my greatest surprise, he was no trim and slim - looking very good and smart. I almost didn't recognize him, but upon closer look ... I knew it was Dare Omolade Johnson. With my mouth ajar, in shock and disbelieve, I blotted out "Dare, my God! Is that you... where did the fat go?" He just smiled and said, "Men....I had to let everything go." I was still in shock, couldn't say much to him as other friends flocked around him to say "hi". But one thing was clear and uppermost in my mind at that time and it's simple: "I wanted what he has going for him - I want to be like him"

I followed Dare closely, because I knew him some years back to be extra-ordinarily large ... I mean extremely fat. How he became this trim I don't know, but I was going to find out. When we finally had the chance to talk with no one to butt in, I said to him "I can't believe the new you. How did you do it ... I mean loose weight" He chuckled and said "My brother, It has not being easy. My change came when I realized that being overweight was not an evidence of good living, but an evidence of bad-terrible living. I discovered that being overweight could trigger off heart disease, diabetes, and even sudden death and I didn't want to die so soon. I did all that I could to loose weight, but failed." I responded, "me too... I mean, I have done everything from exercise to abstinence, but I was over-powered by the urge to just eat and eat and eat." 

"My wife was very helpful in my recovery." He said. "She has a friend who had the same issue with being overweight and went over to her place to ask her how she lost weight. That was when we were introduced to Clean 9, a product of Forever Living. At that time, it was a bit pricey for us, because I was not really earning much and my wife's income was stretched as well. But my wife's friend said something that motivated us ... she said "LONGEVITY IS AN INVESTMENT". This what what did it for me. If I wanted to live long, I needed to invest into it. So we bought the clean 9 and today I am the result of Clean 9".

Upon hearing this and asking further questions about what Clean 9 is all about, I made arrangements to get a pack for myself.

My experience with Clean 9 is one of great success and happiness. Having started the program five months ago, I have now lost a total of 20kg and feel better than ever! My dizzy spells, constant fatique and heart palpitation are no more. It is a lifestyle change that includes following the program and increasing the amount of exercise that I do. Now I carefully watch what I eat, and have decreased the amount of sweets, carbonated drinks, and pastries that I consume. My exercise includes walking for 45 minutes, three days a week. My wife and I are both following the programs, so we can support one another in reaching our weight loss goals. I plan on making this program a permanent part of my life due to the excitement and great results it has brought me. 

My goal is to lose 15kg more in the next two months. The first few days (of Clean 9), I wasn't so easy for me because of the discipline that you need to have with this program; however, with time my bad eating habits changed. I want to invite everyone who wants to lose weight slowly, but surely, to try this program. They will feel great in every sense of the word. This program does not put you on a diet, but instead teaches you how to eat well and change your eating habits.

Truely, Longegivity is an investment. Thank you Clean 9"

Dayo Akinwunmi, Lagos

#Testimony 2. 
One of the Best Decisions of My Life is Clean 9

Doing the Clean 9 program is one of the best decisions I've made in my life. I’ve always been someone worried about weight growing up, but things got out of hand and i started getting larger and bigger. So I have tried a couple diets and not one of those diets would have given me the results I’ve received in 9 days of using Clean 9.

Since finishing the 9 days program I’m lighter on my feet, I have more energy, the slight joint pain in my knees is gone, and I just simply feel a lot healthier. Not going to the gym helped my body recuperate from frequently going therefore I’m not having any soreness or aches you would get following a workout. I lost a total of 12kg in 9 days and I can’t think of any other way I would’ve done it.

As a result of the Clean 9 Program I went from a size 40 waist to a 36 waist, size XXL shirt to a Large shirt. I have received nothing but positive reactions and faces of disbelief from those who didn’t see me throughout the 9 days. After seeing my results, two friends of mine have started the Clean 9 Program because they have no choice but to accept that this simply works. I would recommend Clean 9 Program to anyone looking to lose fat and inches quick. 

Tolulope, Ibadan

#Testimony 3. 
No Food Tasted Better than Loosing Weight, Feeling Healthy and Looking Good

I never thought I would be part of those giving testimonies about weight lose, I shy away from such things. But this time I felt a very strong need to say something to encourage others who have tried and failed to adopt Clean 9. 

Five years ago, I was overtly overweight, but I took to the gym and engaged in gruesome exercises ... I was able to loose a hundred pounds. It took well over a year and many miles, and hours on the treadmill at the gym. I felt great and looked great. Then over the course of five years I gained all the weight back and found myself back at 200 pounds, I had given up. Then a friend and prayer partner told me about a program he was starting, I had never heard of it, Clean 9. I did a Google search and found out all I needed to know about it. Through him, I got a pack and started the program. The science of Clean 9 just made sense and I felt it was something I could do.

That was July of 2012, and just 6 months later I find myself nearly 90 pounds lighter. What a blessing it has been to me. I feel like I finally found the way to a normal life thanks to Clean 9. 

I recently went on a trip to London. We walked over 20 blocks to my sisters office, something I could not have done sxi months ago. I also visited a boutique and I decided to go in to see if I could fit into anything in the store. I walked out with a large sweater. I gave up a lot of my favorite foods on this program... But I can honestly say, that no food tasted better than loosing weight, feeling healthy and looking good!

Anslem Iniobong, Akwa Ibom

#Testimony 4. 
It Works!
My journey to lose weight began January 2015. My doctor said I was now considered obese AND I was diagnosed with high blood pressure. I did not want to go on medication to lower my blood pressure, so I decided it was time to start dieting and include an exercise program.

I joined a 16 week fitness class where I did 45 minutes of intense cardiovascular exercise on an elliptical machine 5 days a week and an additional hour of weight training 3 days a week. Being a former athlete I knew if I put in the time and effort I would lose the weight. At the end of the course – I had lost a net of six pounds. My blood pressure was still very high and I had inflammation and joint pain. In addition, my blood sugar level was beginning to become an issue. My doctor decided to prescribe blood pressure medication to help lower my blood pressure. I was very discouraged about my ability to ever lose the weight I desperately needed to lose to be healthy again.

I heard of the Clean 9, F.I.T 1, and F.I.T 2 pack and programs through family friends who had each lost over 100 pounds on the program. I had planned to join the program in 2014, but I never got around to it.

I tried the old fashion way to lose weight and only lost 6 pounds. Now it was time to try the Ideal Clean 9. I lost over 5 pounds my first week on the program – and I did not have to work out too long and too much! I was thrilled! I actually looked forward to going in for my weekly weigh in and BMI (Body Mass Index) analysis. It was so exciting to step on the scale and see how much weight I had lost. The best part was that I was able to get off the blood pressure medicine only 8 days into the program ... but I continued with the recommended exercises and food plan . I lost the weight over the summer when most friends and family are away on vacation. So when I ran into a friend or doctor or someone I hadn’t seen for four months, each person was amazed at how thin I was now.

Over a five month period, I dropped a total of 41 pounds and sixteen inches! My pants size went down 6 sizes! My doctor did not even recognize me and gave me a high five when I last saw her! I did it! I was able to lose the weight I needed to regain my health. I feel great, no more high blood pressure, and no more inflammation in my joints, no more back or knee pain AND my BMI dropped from 40.9 percent body fat to 23.3 percent. I am proof positive that the Clean 9 and the associated programs and diet plan makes sense AND – It works!

Mrs. Judith, Abuja

#Testimony 5. 
Look At Me! I am a Testimony 

After having started the Clean 9 Program, it has been much easier for me to control my diet throughout the day. I have lost 20 pounds and feel much more energetic. What I like most about the program is the exercise that is recommended, since sports are an essential part of my life. My sister and I, as well as our family, have all enjoyed the wonderful benefits of aloe vera and all of the FLP products

This time I committed to the life style change. I am educated about the science of weight loss, and I understand how my body will respond to different combinations of foods. 

I feel well and I'm delighted that I made this commitment to myself. Every day is a plus for me. Just look at me! I am a testimony that Clean 9 works. And if it can work for me, It will work for anyone who makes a commitment to try it out.

Rosemary Bratubor, Balyesa


The pictures you are about to see, a real pictures of those who used Clean 9 and have physical results to show for it. They are satisfied customers.

(*CLEAN 9*)

CLEAN 9 Guarantees That You will Loose Between 5-10kg Of Ugly Fat in Just 9 Days!

Clean9 (C9) is a weight management program that lasts for 9-days and helps you shed weight in areas like your tummy, thighs, arms and all over. It works within 9days and won’t need to continue if you aren’t so big. One would lose between 5-10kg with one pack in 9 days. 

If you need to lose more, you’ll need the continuation pack called F.I.T 1 (F1) which lasts for 30days.

Clean 9 is made up of strictly natural ingredients.

Has No negative side effects and detoxifies you as well.

Clean9 (C9) is a Natural Fat loss pack and it contains the following components:

  • 2 bottles of Aloe Vera Gel which detoxifies and aids digestive health;
  • Lite Ultra with Aminotein ( Meal Replacement Shake) that curbs hunger and is a complete meal at just 90 Calories;
  • 1 bottle of Garcina Plus Capsule that aid breakdown of body fat and inhibits conversion of carbohydrates to fat;
  • Therm help boost your energy levels and kick-start metabolism, helping you on your weight-loss journey
  • Fibre Pack which help to support your optimal health and digestive function naturally
  • A booklet that gives guidance on how to embark on this 9 day program.
Aloe Vera Gel (contains 2 bottles): 

Has been found to have some amazing effects on the body because of all the nutrients it contains. Drinking aloe Vera gel helps to cleanse the digestive system and ensure better nutrient absorption.

It also improves circulation, Improves metabolic disorders, It is an adaptagen – it adapts to the body and what the body needs, boosts the immune system.

Garcinia Plus: 

This is a natural appetite suppressant derived from Garcinia Cambogiawhich contains a number of ingredients that may help with losing weight. It increases energy levels (because Garcinia prevent calories to be converted into fat but rather converted to energy) one’s mood also changes. HCA helps improve serotonin levels which naturally and safely improve your mood.

In view of the normalized serotonin levels, people are less likely to experience hunger cravings associated or triggered by emotional circumstances (stress, anxiety, sadness, disappointment etc.)

Garcinia Cambogia thus, ensures the person doesn’t resort to emotional eating to counteract their emotional imbalance. Appetite control support and fat production prevention are the main capacities of Garcinia Cambogia. Other side benefits of taking Garcinia include: improving fat metabolizing, encouraging the development of lean muscle mass rather than new fat cell storages, and minimizing stress-triggered cravings.

Lite ultra-shake with Aminotein: 

This is a high protein meal replacement shake. It is made from soy protein. It is low in fat and saturated fat and 1 shake provides 50% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamins and minerals.

The Fiber: 

This high quality natural supplement can also help limit feelings of sluggishness or low energy after we eat. It has been shown to support cardiovascular function and, of course, because scientists now recognize that up to 70% or 80% of immune function in the body is associated with the gastrointestinal tract, it may help to support the immune system via its benefits for digestive function. Adequate soluble fiber intake can facilitate removal of waste products from the body and may help to relieve occasional constipation.


This will help accelerate your weight loss efforts so you see results faster and achieve your ultimate desired shape and weight loss goals. With a unique combination of natural extracts and nutrients, it can help boost your metabolism, to maximize your efforts.

All you need to take in the 9 days is in 1 pack of C9.
Those on days 3 to 9, will need to add a 600 calorie dinner to what is in the clean9 pack. You are also expected to exercise (walk / jog / skip) for a minimum of 20 minutes daily.

Other benefits include:
  1. Detoxification and maintenance of healthy digestive tract;
  2. Lowering of blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, anti-pain and so on
    The product has the prestigious Kosher Seal (which makes it acceptable to the Jews. The Jews don’t take anything that isn’t 100% natural. Infact, they don’t even take bread with yeast! They believe in no additives.

    It has other seals including the Halal and Islamic seals as well. (These are Seals of highest form of purity including our own NAFDAC in Nigeria).

    Okay, But How Much Will It Cost Me To
    Get Clean 9 Delivered to me at my doorstep?

    • Now let me ask you a question: What is your value for getting a flat belly or losing weight?
    • What is your value for eating healthy, tasty and delicious fat-burning foods EVERY single day on YOUR table without putting on weight...while getting more healthy everyday?
    Before you answer that question, I want you to consider the value of what you are getting. It will save you lots of time and efforts. 

    I have spent a huge amount of time and money when I was researching to get you everything you need PLUS my personal experience... That is why I'm giving you A Chance to buy Clean9 (C9) at a very discounted Price OF 30% for Just TODAY ONLY:

    The regular price of Clean 9 is =N=35,500

    but if you order before MID-NIGHT today - 

    You will get CLEAN 9 For Just
    =N= 24,500 only!!!
    YOU SAVE 30%

    If you can order the Clean 9 pack before mid-night today - I am giving you a chance to get it at the low price of =N=24,500 for Just Today Only : 

    After Which the price will go up to its normal retail price of =N=35,500... So don't waste time! 

    So your limited timed price for CLEAN 9 STARTS NOW at the discounted rate of just =N=24,500.

    Here Is How To Order For Your Clean 9
    To take advantage of this special offer, Pay CASH or Do Online/internet Transfer N24,500 into this bank accounts below and follow the instructions thereafter :
    Bank Name - GTBank

    Account Name - Chukineez Venture-Online Sales

    Account Number - 0146141507

    1. After making the payment, make sure you send your payment details to me through SMS 08175759364

    2. Email to: zzkielbenson@gmail.com
    The subject of the email should be "Paid For Clean 9".
    The payment details you are to send are:

    • Your Full Name
    • Amount paid & Bank paid to
    • Teller Number (No need for this if you paid via internet banking)
    • Date Of Payment
    • Your Phone Number
    • Your email address
    • Delivery address for the Clean-9
    As soon as your payment is confirmed from the bank, your Clean 9 kit will be processed for delivery immediately.
    PLEASE NOTE - As soon as your payment is confirmed, you will receive an SMS AND EMAIL acknowledgment from me. Your Package will be delivered to your doorstep through a courier service within 3 to 5 working days!



    • For Pay On Delivery within Lagos!
    Fill the Pre-Order below

    (Cash on Delivery Only)

    * indicates required



    5 Surefire Reasons why This Program is For You

    • If you are tired of using the gym to get rid of excess ugly fat and its not working for you 
    • If you have lots of dresses you have abandoned in your wardrobe just because of your bigger size and they no longer fit anymore.
    • If you're the type with Fat thigh, love handles, fat around your arms or If you want to get a flatter belly and get back your amazing body
    • If your colleague at work or your neighbour had in one time or the other laughed at you making jokes or comment on your Fat chubby belly and you want this to end
    • If you are a very busy type that goes to work very early (like 5.30am) and return back home late in the night (9 or 10pm) and you are looking for a very easy but effective fat loss program with results
    ...then this clean 9 Fat Loss Program is for You!

    For Just 
    N 24,500 only!!!

    For further details, you can call:
    • 08034734917
    • 08175759364 
    Call 10am - 5pm Monday - Saturday Only
    P.S: Do not wait till when your belly fat will reach a stage where it would become too complex to remove. Order for your CLEAN 9 (C9)today and start to get rid of that Ugly fat right away.