• Finally, the solution that works...

    Look better and feel great in just 9-days with this expertly-devised weightloss and cleansing programme. Learn more....

  • Kick-Start your Transformation today

    Look better, Feel healthy, Look trim, Live long. It all starts now. Learn more....

  • Longevity is an Investment. Being Overweight is not

    Discover the dangers of being overweight and the cure. Learn more...

Friday 20 May 2016

Why Forever Living Products is The Best Business Opportunity Presentation 2016

The Best Risk Free & Home Based Business Opportunity - Gives You Opportunity To Make Flexible and Uncapped Income From Many Countries!


Forever Living Products' Detailed Marketing & Compensation Plan, A new Forever Living's Business Opportunity Presentation created by Forever Living Products for all the Forever Business Owners to share with their prospects. 

This video answers some Frequently Asked Questions like:
What is Forever Living Products?
Who are the people of Forever? 
When and from where Forever Living Started it's Business?
Which Products are offered by Forever?
How FLP's Forever Business Owners are achieving success and contributing towards the society?
How can you benefit by joining Forever Living Products as an FBO?
A detailed presentation on the Forever Business Opportunity for all the Forever Business Owners to utilize for recruitment purposes. 
It looks at the basics of how the Marketing Plan and Case Credits work, and how easily one can qualify for our fantastic incentive programmes, as well as dispelling common misconceptions about network marketing. 

The nature of the Forever business model means that anyone, regardless of their background or financial situation, can build a business from scratch -- as long as they are prepared to work hard for it.

Watch this video to understand what Forever Living Products offers that has made this work from home business One of the Best Risk Free & Home Based Business Opportunity to make Flexible and Uncapped Income from many countries.

Discover the Beauty of being a Forever Business Owner and Know WHY Forever Living Products is simply The Best Home Based Business Opportunity.

A detailed Business Opportunity Presentation on Who are the people of Forever Living Products, what we do and how can we contribute in others lives.

Watch this presentation and share it with all your down-lines or prospects.

Forever is changing lives every day and helping people find new reasons to smile! With the Forever Opportunity, anything is possible.

An introduction to Forever Business Opportunity to help you know who are the people of Forever Living Products, what we do and how can we contribute in others lives.

Watch this presentation and share it with all your down-lines or prospects.
For More Information On How You Can Make Money From This System, Click Here To Learn More

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Thursday 19 May 2016

Forever Living Products Business Opportunity Presentation

The Best Risk Free & Home Based Business Opportunity - Gives You Opportunity To Make Flexible and Uncapped Income From Many Countries!


Presentation on Forever Living Products' Marketing & Compensation Plan. Forever Living's Business Opportunity Presentation created by Forever Living Products for all the Forever Business Owners to share with their prospects.

Discover the Beauty of being a Forever Business Owner and Know WHY Forever Living Products is simply The Best Home Based Business Opportunity.

This video answers some Frequently Asked Questions like:

What is Forever Living Products?
Who are the people of Forever?
When and from where Forever Living Started it's Business?
Which Products are offered by Forever?
How FLP's Forever Business Owners are achieving success and contributing towards the society?
How can you benefit by joining Forever Living Products as an FBO?

Watch this video to understand what Forever Living Products offers that has made this work from home business One of the Best Risk Free & Home Based Business Opportunity to make Flexible and Uncapped Income from many countries.

For More Information On How You Can Join And Make Money From This System, Click Here To Learn More

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Forever Living Product Business Opportunity For You

The Best Risk Free & Home Based Business Opportunity - Gives You Opportunity To Make Flexible and Uncapped Income From Many Countries!


Presentation on Forever Living Products' Marketing & Compensation Plan. Forever Living's Business Opportunity Presentation created by Forever Living Products for all the Forever Business Owners to share with their prospects.

Discover the Beauty of being a Forever Business Owner and Know WHY Forever Living Products is simply The Best Home Based Business Opportunity.

This video answers some Frequently Asked Questions like:

What is Forever Living Products?
Who are the people of Forever?
When and from where Forever Living Started it's Business?
Which Products are offered by Forever?
How FLP's Forever Business Owners are achieving success and contributing towards the society?
How can you benefit by joining Forever Living Products as an FBO?

Watch this video to understand what Forever Living Products offers that has made this work from home business One of the Best Risk Free & Home Based Business Opportunity to make Flexible and Uncapped Income from many countries.

For More Information On How You Can Join And Make Money From This System, Click Here To Learn More

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How Are Overweight and Obesity Prevented?

Following a healthy lifestyle can help you prevent overweight and obesity. Many lifestyle habits begin during childhood. Thus, parents and families should encourage their children to make healthy choices, such as following a healthy diet and being physically active.

 Make following a healthy lifestyle a family goal. For example:

How Are Overweight and Obesity Treated?

Successful weight-loss treatments include setting goals and making lifestyle changes, such as eating fewer calories and being physically active. Weight Loss Therapy and weight-loss programs also are options for some people if lifestyle changes aren't enough.

Some of the steps to treating overweight or obesity conditions are as follows:

How Are Overweight and Obesity Diagnosed?

The most common way to find out whether you're overweight or obese is to figure out your body mass index (BMI). BMI is an estimate of body fat, and it's a good gauge of your risk for diseases that occur with more body fat.

BMI is calculated from your height and weight. You can use the chart below or the Body Mass Index Calculator on the Right Side Column of this blog to figure out your BMI. Or, you health care provider can measure your BMI.

What Are the Health Risks of Being Overweight and Obesity?

Being overweight or obese isn't a cosmetic problem. These conditions greatly raise your risk for other health problems.

Overweight and Obesity Related Health Problems
As your body mass index rises, so does your risk for coronary heart disease (CHD). CHD is a condition in which a waxy substance called plaque builds up inside the coronary arteries. These arteries supply oxygen-rich blood to your heart.

Overweight and Obesity: Factors That Affects Women's Reproductive Health

The negative effects of being Overweight or Obesity upon Fertility were described by Hippocrates who wrote in his Essay on Scythians
‘People of such constitution cannot be prolific…. fatness and flabbiness are to blame!’

Being Overweight or Obesity is defined by abnormal fat accumulation with body mass index (BMI) > 30kg/m2.

Being Overweight or Obesity is a rising epidemic affecting millions worldwide. It is an increasing preventive health burden upon Modern Society. More than 66% of men and 60% of women in the world. are overweight or obese according to a new analysis.

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Being Overweight Increases Your Risk of having Abnormal Level of Blood Fats (BAD CHOLESTEROL)

What Is Cholesterol?
If you're overweight or obese, you're at increased risk of having abnormal levels of blood fats. These include high levels of triglycerides and LDL ("bad") cholesterol and low levels of HDL ("good") cholesterol.

To understand high blood cholesterol, it helps to learn about cholesterol. Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that’s found in all cells of the body.

Being Overweight Increases Your Risk of Having Heart Failure

What Is Heart Failure?
Heart failure is a condition in which the heart can't pump enough blood to meet the body's needs. In some cases, the heart can't fill with enough blood. In other cases, the heart can't pump blood to the rest of the body with enough force. Some people have both problems.

The term "heart failure" doesn't mean that your heart has stopped or is about to stop working. However, heart failure is a serious condition that requires medical care.

Being Overweight Increase Your Risk of Having Heart Attack

Heart With Muscle Damage and a Blocked Artery

A heart attack happens when the flow of oxygen-rich blood to a section of heart muscle suddenly becomes blocked and the heart can’t get oxygen. If blood flow isn’t restored quickly, the section of heart muscle begins to die.
Heart attack treatment works best when it’s given right after symptoms occur. If you think you or someone else is having a heart attack, even if you’re not sure, call 9–1–1 right away.

Being Overweight Increase the Risk of Having Metabolic Syndrome

What Is Metabolic Syndrome?
Metabolic syndrome is the name for a group of risk factors that raises your risk for heart disease and other health problems, such as diabetes and stroke.

The term "metabolic" refers to the biochemical processes involved in the body's normal functioning. Risk factors are traits, conditions, or habits that increase your chance of developing a disease.

How Being Overweight Causes Infertility in Men and Women

The negative effects of being Overweight or Obese upon Fertility were described by Hippocrates who wrote in his Essay on Scythians:
‘People of such constitution cannot be prolific…. fatness and flabbiness are to blame!’
  • Being Overweight or Obese is a rising epidemic affecting millions worldwide. It is an increasing preventive health burden upon Modern Society. More than 66% of men and 60% of women in the world. are overweight or obese according to a new analysis.
  • Being Overweight or Obesity is defined by abnormal fat accumulation with body mass index (BMI) > 30kg/m2. Being Overweight or Obese carries an increased risk of Metabolic Syndrome (Abdominal Overweight or Obesity, Diabetes, Hypertension, Dyslipidemia), Cardiovascular Disease, Depression, sleep apnea, and early death.

Being Overweight Increases Your Risk of Having Cancer

Cancer Disease 

Being Overweight or Obese increases your risk of colon cancer, breast cancer, endometrial cancer, and gallbladder cancer.

Colon Cancer

Many studies have found a positive relation between obesity and colon cancer in men but a weaker association in women.  More recent data from medical research and studies conducted suggest that the relationship between obesity and colon cancer in women may be similar to that seen in men. Twice as many women with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of > 29 kg/m2 had distal colon cancer as women with a BMI < 21 kg/m2. . Meaning, the more overweight a woman is, the high chances of her having distal colon cancer. In men, the relationship between obesity and total colon cancer was weaker than that for distal colon cancer.

Other recent data from medical research and studies conducted show a substantially stronger relationship between waist-to-hip ratio and the prevalence of colon polyps on sigmoidoscopy, than with BMI alone. Even among leaner women, a high waist-to-hip ratio is also associated with significantly increased risk of colon polyps.

Breast Cancer

Epidemiologic studies consistently show that being overweight or obesity is directly related to mortality from breast cancer, predominantly in postmenopausal women.

The relationship of obesity with breast cancer in women has come to be a very dangerous high risk factor among women and it has led to the massive media campaign all around the world that women should watch their weight and keep their Body Mass Index within the normal values.

More recent data from medical research and studies conducted, however, also show that adult weight gain is positively related to risk of postmenopausal breast cancer. This relation is seen most clearly among women who do not use postmenopausal hormones. A gain of more than 20 lb from age 18 to midlife doubles a woman's risk of breast cancer. Even modest weight gains are positively related to risk of postmenopausal cancer.

Endometrial Cancer

Being Overweight or Obesity increases the risk of endometrial cancer. The risk is three times higher among obese women (with a Body Mass Index (BMI) =or> 30 kg/m2) than among normal-weight women. However, the absolute risk of this condition is low when compared to breast cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Adult weight gain is also related to increased risk.

Gallbladder Cancer

Being Overweight or Obesity is related to the risk of gallbladder cancer, particularly among women.  Using a weight index of 100 as the average weight with a corresponding mortality ratio of 1.0 for the cohort, mortality ratios were 1.16 at a weight index of 120 to 129, 1.22 at 130 to 139, and 1.53 at =or> 140.

How To Prevent Overweight Or Obese Related Cancer

Prevention of Overweight or Obese related Cancer diseases starts with engaging in heart-healthy lifestyle changes

Heart-healthy lifestyle changes include:
  • Heart-healthy eating
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Managing stress
  • Physical activity
There is a product and program designed just for this – to help you reset your health and weight from “bad” to “good and normal”. This product is called Clean 9 by Forever Living Products.

Look better and feel great in just nine days with CLEAN 9 - an expertly-devised cleansing program. CLEAN 9 is designed to kick-start the program and cleanse your body, this provides the perfect starting point for transforming your diet and fitness habits. Based around Forever's best-selling Aloe Vera Gel Drink, this nutritionally balanced program will allow you to see tangible and measurable results in just nine days.


The answer is a resounding "YES!"

The CLEAN 9 PROGRAM can help to jump start your journey to a slimmer, perfect weighing, healthier you. This effective easy-to-follow cleansing program will give you the tools you need to start transforming your body today.

You can live a healthy life! You look better; feel better in just 9 days.

The new CLEAN 9 pack is now better and cheaper than ever before.

CLEAN 9 contain a unique nine day dietary supplement regime designed to transform your diet and fitness habits.

The CLEAN9 treatment goals include:
  • Helping you to rest your weight by kick-starting a healthy weight loss.
  • Lowering the risk of blood clots forming (blood clots can cause a heart attack)
  • Preventing complications of coronary heart disease
  • Reducing risk factors in an effort to slow, stop, or reverse the buildup of plaque
  • Relieving symptoms
  • Helping to clear or widening of clogged arteries
Busy schedules, meals on-the-go, not enough energy - there can be many causes of weight gain and fatigue. But, there doesn't have to be. Forever's CLEAN 9 program can help you build healthy habits and make a permanent change for the better.

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Being Overweight Increases Your Risk of Having Diabetes

Diabetes happens when the body does not make enough insulin or cannot use it well. This causes glucose to build up in the blood. As a result, the body does not function well.

Know your body 

  • The food we eat goes to the stomach, where it is digested. The food is turned into blood glucose in the body. Blood glucose is also called blood sugar. The body uses glucose for energy needed for daily life.
  • The blood takes the glucose to the cells where it is turned into energy. However, glucose cannot enter the cells alone: it needs help. Insulin helps the glucose enter the cells. Insulin is a hormone that is made in the pancreas.
  • If the body does not produce enough insulin, or if the cells cannot use the insulin well, then the glucose cannot enter the cells and it builds up in the blood.

Being Overweight Increases Your Risk of Having High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a common disease in which blood flows through blood vessels (arteries) at higher than normal pressures. High blood pressure (HBP) also is called hypertension.

When HBP has no known cause, it might be called essential hypertension, primary hypertension, or idiopathic hypertension. When another condition causes HBP, it's sometimes called secondary hypertension.

Some people only have high systolic blood pressure. This condition is called isolated systolic hypertension (ISH). Many older adults have this condition. ISH can cause as much harm as HBP in which both numbers are too high.

Being Overweight Increases Your Risk of Having Coronary Heart Disease


What Is Coronary Heart Disease?
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a disease in which a waxy substance called plaque builds up inside the coronary arteries. These arteries supply oxygen-rich blood to your heart muscle.

Other names of Coronary Heart Diseases are:

  •  Atherosclerosis
  • Coronary artery disease
  • Hardening of the arteries
  • Heart disease
  • Ischemic heart disease
  • Narrowing of the arteries
When plaque builds up in the arteries, the condition is called atherosclerosis. The buildup of plaque occurs over many years.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Clean 9 Weight Loss Program That Works

Clean 9 tips to help you achieve an amazing result.



You Are At Greater Risk of Having Stroke If You Are Overweight

A stroke occurs if the flow of oxygen-rich blood to a portion of the brain is blocked. Without oxygen, brain cells start to die after a few minutes. Sudden bleeding in the brain also can cause a stroke if it damages brain cells.

Sunday 15 May 2016

Loose 5-9kg In 9 Days Naturally


"Finally, An Easy Way To Loose Between 5 - 10Kg Naturally In 

9-Days - That REALLY WORKS!" 

Guaranteed to make you feel better and healthier

This is the exact information I've personally GIVEN MANY people and it has helped them to RESET their body size, weight and figure, and to get fit and gain complete control of their eating, weight and health, even those that have tried and failed before.

Now, It's your turn to have it!

Dear Friend,  
Did you know that being overweight increases your risk of:

  • Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)
  • Diabetes
  • Stroke
  • Heart Attack
  • Heart Failure
  • Sudden Death
  • Cancer of the Colon
  • High-Per-Tension
  • High-Blood Pressure
  • Kidney Failure
  • Liver Failure
  • ...And Serious Medical Conditions

A lot of folks feel that being "robust" in size is a sign of good living, but actually, It is an evidence of dangerous living and if not controlled, could lead to health hazards.